Amberley Care Home Observes Remembrance Day

At Amberley Care Home, we recently came together as a community to honour the brave members of the armed forces who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country. Remembrance Day at Amberley was a poignant and meaningful occasion filled with reflection, gratitude, and the sharing of residents' lived experiences.

The 11 am period of remembrance was lovingly facilitated by our resident Joan, who led us through the two-minute silence and offered prayers and shared the traditional toast of 'Lest we forget' in honour of those we remembered. The lounge was filled with residents, families, and staff, united in remembrance. It was truly special to have so many of our wonderful families join us for this moving service.

Following the ceremony, everyone gathered for a delightful afternoon tea. This provided a unique opportunity for residents to share their remarkable stories of serving in the Armed Forces with younger generations, ensuring these important memories are preserved.

As the Remembrance Day activities come to a close, the festive spirit is now filling the air at Amberley. Preparations for Christmas are well underway, with the home starting to look fabulously festive with decorations. Our residents' choir group is in full swing, rehearsing for what promises to be a truly special performance during our Christmas celebrations. We’re excited to welcome families and friends of Amberley to join us for this festive event.