Amberley Care Home in Sale provides care and support in a number of different ways and takes pride in making residents feel right at home, whether they are staying on a short-term basis, or receiving continuous care.
Respite care at Amberley provides people with a great opportunity to trial life in a care home; from support with day-to-day living to experiencing the facilities and lifestyle we provide. This is a great way for people to determine whether a move into a care home is right for them.
For those who need somewhere to rest and recuperate following an illness or injury, or for family and friends who need a break from caring without having to worry about their loved one, there’s no better place for respite than Amberley. Whatever your reasons for staying with us here at Amberley, and for however long you plan on calling us home, we want to provide you with an experience you’ll never want to forget. A minimum length of stay of 3 weeks applies for our respite care for the elderly.