1:1 Music Therapy

The residents at Amberley Care Home have been extremely fortunate recently to have one-to-one Music Therapy with Debbie from Nordoff Robbins.
Nordoff Robbins is a UK charity with a mission to bring music therapy to as many people in our society as possible, regardless of who they are. They strongly believe in the power of music and the benefits it can have on so many people.
At Amberley Care Home, we too value the impact that music therapy can have on people, especially those of an older age or who may be affected by conditions such as Dementia and Alzeimer's.
We often include musical-themed sessions as part of our full activities programme which our activity coordinators work extremely hard to ensure is diverse and inclusive. We often invite musical entertainers to perform, and we are extremely excited to now welcome Debbie from Nordoff Robbins to have one-to-one sessions with our residents.
The sessions have already proven to make a big difference to the lives of our residents, as music is known to have many health benefits, including lowering stress and anxiety levels, boosting creativity and mood, and promoting social interaction with others.
Music therapy can also significantly improve the quality of life for those who receive dementia care. There are several ways in which music can help those living with dementia, such as maintaining speech and language skills through singing, helping with reminiscence and memory recall, and also reducing the rate at which cognitive abilities decline.
The benefits of music therapy are endless, and whilst we often hold group activities to help reduce loneliness and encourage socialising, the one-to-one sessions with Debbie have been incredibly successful due to the person-centred aspect.
From introducing different musical instruments such as drums and symbols to having a sing-along of their favourite tunes, the residents have loved their time with Debbie and we are excited to welcome her back for weekly sessions.
You can find out more about our music therapy sessions on our Facebook page.