Mary Poppins outside Amberley

Mary Poppins visits Amberley Care Home

At Amberley Care Home, our Regional Management team set a challenge for all homes in the region to make a video including residents and staff, with the best entry winning a prize.

For our video, we invited Mary Poppins down to Amberley Care Home, for a fun day for all residents and staff, many of whom had a great chance to reminisce on a familiar favourite film from their past.

In the video, we got the staff and residents to recreate some of their favourite scenes and songs from the original Mary Poppins film, released back in 1964. From "Let's go fly a kite" and "A spoonful of sugar", spirits were high.

We're delighted to announce that our video entry "Mary Poppins comes to care at Amberley", won the competition. You can watch the video below, filled with smiles and laughter:

Christmas Cheer

At Amberley, Christmas is a very exciting time of year. With plenty going on to get residents and staff into the festive spirit.

Christmas trees are up and glitter is everywhere, as we begin the run into Christmas. With residents favourite Christmas songs playing throughout the home, there is festive cheer down every corridor.

And of course, it can't be Christmas without a party. On 18th December our residents and relatives will gather for an afternoon of festivities and celebration, with some live entertainment!

At Amberley, our activities team are always looking for new ways to keep residents active, and are always asking residents if there are any specific things they would like us to organise for them to enjoy. Organising these activities ensures a happy and healthy environment here at Amberley Care Home. Activities such as the video competition, have raised the spirits of all at our care home. If you would like to find out more about how we can meet your care requirements and support your loved ones with a varied activities programme, then we welcome you to book a tour or get in contact with our friendly team.

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